Achievement 研究成果
Reviewed Papers
Reviewed Papers 査読付論文
T. Tsuji, G. Kimura, S. Okamoto, F. Kono, H. Mochinaga, T. Saeki, and H. Tokuyama, Modern and ancient seismogenic out-of-sequence thrusts in the Nankai accretionary prism: Comparison of laboratory-derived physical properties and seismic reflection data, Geophys. Res. Letts, Vol. 33, Issue 18, L18309, doi:10.1029/2006GL027025, 2006.
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T. Tsuji, T. Noguchi, H. Niino, T. Matsuoka, Y. Nakamura, H. Tokuyama, S. Kuramoto, and N. Bangs, Two-dimensional mapping of finestructures in the Kuroshio Current using seismic reflection data, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 32, Issue 14, L14609, doi:10.1029/2005GL023095, 2005.
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T. Tsuji, T. Matsuoka, Y. Yamada, Y. Nakamura, J. Ashi, H. Tokuyama, S. Kuramoto, and N. Bangs, Initiation of plate boundary slip in the Nankai Trough off the Muroto peninsula, southwest Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 32, Issue 12, L12306, doi:10.1029/2004GL021861, 2005.
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T. Tsuji, T. Maiguma, N. Kobayashi, and M. Yamada, A method for evaluating the earthquake resistant capacity of small-scale buildings by means of microtremors analysis, Butsuri-tansa, 58, 195-205, 2005. (Japanese paper)
T. Tsuji, T. Matsuoka, Y. Nakamura, H. Tokuyama, S. Kuramoto, and N. Bangs, Physical properties along the plate boundary decollement in the Nankai Trough using seismic attribute anaysis with Kohonen self-organizing map, Butsuri-tansa, 57, 121-134, 2004. (Japanese paper)