Achievement 研究成果



Awards 受賞



辻 健

  1. Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) 2024-2025 Regional Distinguished Speaker (Asia), December 2024. 【詳細

  2. American Geophysical Union (AGU), Asahiko Taira International Scientific Ocean Drilling Research Prize, 2023 【詳細】 【詳細

  3. 西日本文化賞 2020年11月3日/ Western Japan Cultural Award, November 2020 【大学の記事】 【西日本新聞

  4. IUGG:International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Early Career Scientist Award, November 2018

  5. The Geological Society of Japan, Island Arc Award, June 2018

  6. Highly Cited Research in Tectonophysics, December 2016

  7. The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), The Young Scientists’ Prize, April 2016

  8. The Geological Society of Japan, Ozawa Yoshiaki Award, September 2015

  9. The Best Oral Presentation Awards of the 132nd SEGJ conference, July 2015

  10. Seismological Society of Japan (SSJ), Award for Young Researcher, March 2015

  11. Incentive Award of 2013, Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan (SEGJ), June 2013

  12. The Best Oral Presentation Awards of the 125th SEGJ conference, May 2012

  13. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Excellent Young Researchers, 2010 Overseas Visit Program, 2010

  14. The Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards of the 117th SEGJ Conference, November 2007

  15. Incentive Award of 2005 Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan (SEGJ), May 2005


  1. Bokani Nthaba, Tatsunori Ikeda, Takeshi Tsuji, Hiro Nimiya, and Yoshihisa Iio, The 14th SEGJ International Symposium Outstanding Student Presentation Award (Three-dimensional S-wave velocity structure of the Kinki Region, southwestern Japan with ambient seismic noise tomography using a dense seismic array)

  2. R. Matsuura, T. Tsuji, T. Ikeda, CINEST MITSUI MATSUSHIMA award for best presentation, Nov. 2021 (Subsurface Reservoir Monitoring System using Continuous and Controlled Artificial Seismic Source).

  3. T. Uchigaki, T. Tsuji, N. Uyama, H. Kanamori, Young Oral Presentation Award of the 144th SEGJ conference, Jun. 2021 (Examination for the effects of ice on S wave velocity of regolith simulant)

  4. K. Mukumoto, and T. Tsuji, CINEST MITSUI MATSUSHIMA award for best presentation, Nov. 2020 (S wave velocity Model Estimation using full waveform tomography in Central Japan Island)

  5. Y. Suemoto, T. Ikeda, T. Tsuji, Y. Iio, Best Presentation Award of the 141st SEGJ conference, Oct. 2019 (High-resolution 3D S-wave velocity structure of shallow crust using surface wave tomography)

  6. H. Nimiya, T. Ikeda, T. Tsuji, Young Oral Presentation Award of the 141st SEGJ conference, Oct. 2019 (Estimation of 3D S-wave velocity of sedimentary plain in the metropolitan area by applying surface-wave tomography to MeSO-net data)

  7. R. D. Andajani, T. Tsuji, T. Ikeda and F. L. Hutapea, CINEST MITSUI MATSUSHIMA award for best presentation, Dec. 2019 (Impact of Seasonal Rainfall on Crustal Pore Pressure: Insight from Monitoring of Seismic Velocity Changes)

  8. R. D. Andajani, T. Tsuji and F. L. Hutapea, “Best Poster Award” in 5th Annual International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences (IEICES 2019), Oct. 2019 (The impact of seasonal rainfall toward crustal pore pressure: Insight from seismic velocity change monitoring)

  9. H. Nimiya, T. Ikeda, T. Tsuji, Young Oral Presentation Award of the 140th SEGJ conference, June 2019 (High-resolution 3D S-wave velocity structure using ambient noise -Toward automatic estimation of phase velocity-)

  10. K. Mukumoto, and T. Tsuji, CINEST MITSUI MATSUSHIMA award for best presentation, Nov. 2018 (Geologic structure related to hydrothermal fluid flow in Iheya North Knoll based on automatic velocity analysis for multi-channel seismic data)

  11. H. Nimiya, T. Ikeda, T. Tsuji, Best Presentation Award of the 138th SEGJ conference, May 2018 (Surface wave tomography using ambient seismic noise - Three-dimensional surface wave phase velocity throughout Japan)

  12. C. Chhun, A. Kioka, J. Jia, T. Tsuji, Young Oral Presentation Award of the 137th SEGJ conference, November 2017

  13. T. Ikeda, T. Tsuji, M. Nakatsukasa, H. Ban, A. Kato, K. Worth, D. White, and B. Roberts, Young Oral Presentation Award of the 136th SEGJ conference, June 2017

  14. Andajani Rezkia Dewi, T. Ikeda, and T. Tsuji, Young Oral Presentation Award of the 136th SEGJ conference, June 2017

  15. C. Eng, T. Ikeda, and T. Tsuji, Effect of Crack-Filling Materials on Seismic Velocity Using Digital Rock Physics, Best Presentation Award of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology (CINEST) 2016, Dec. 2016

  16. T. Ikeda, T. Tsuji, T. Watanabe, and K. Yamaoka, Young Oral Presentation Award of the 132nd SEGJ conference, July 2015